5 Steps to Create Your Best Off-Season Plan Ever

So you’ve finished up a season worth of events and it’s time for some rest and relaxation, right? Congratulations! 

While I’m a huge fan of taking time off from your sport to recover and rest up, I am not a fan of resting on the couch or on your laurels from last year.  So grab this opportunity, start planning the next three to four months--the off-season.

The bulk of the time between your last event and your first event is a special “season” where you get to focus on you! Off-season is the time to mentally refresh, train with less specificity, become well rounded and get stronger to attack the following sports season.

Of course there are workouts, but that’s just part of the plan. What about your mental resilience; mindset practices; your recovery technique; sleep plans; nutrition and fueling strategies; these are all areas you can target for improvement--besides just training your body.

First, make time to reflect on last season. As you review your training or race journal, ask the following questions:

  • What went right?

  • Where can I improve?

  • Where was I strongest physically? Mentally?

  • What were some of my limiters physically? Mentally?

  • List any crashes, injuries, or other physical challenges you faced, as these will hold clues for your off-season.

Good, now that you have some idea of where you went last year/season, it’s time to get to work! 

5 steps to your best off-season training ever

1.Goal setting- off-season style

Think of a SMART Goal you think is fun and achievable in the next three to four months. SMART stands for Strategic, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound.

For example, a year ago, I set a SMART goal to train up to perform a headstand in my Strength training TRX practice. I picked this because it was a fun goal, it was hard but attainable, It was relevant because “hello core strength” and it was timebound - I had to do it by January! This fun goal helped fuel my desire to get my strength workout in - because I wanted to do it.

2. Time’s up

Let’s be real, show of hands please--who has TIME to train 15+ hours a week? Me neither. Set yourself up for success and pick an attainable  time goal -- that is, the amount of time per week that you will dedicate to your off-season goals, and stick to it. How many hours per week do you want to spend? How does that break to to hours/day? Note, not every day will have the same amount of hours.

3. Make a List

List all your favorite activities you’re not doing during your sport season, and then make a point to do them in the next three to four months.

Do you need adventure? Try something new, travel somewhere new, take a lesson with something new. Now is the best time to try new things! 

4. Be Real with your strengths and limitations--and then get to work.

  • List your sport specific physical and mental strengths (ie: like mindset, goal setting, physical strength etc.) 

  • List your sport specific physical and mental/personal limiters (ie things you need to improve upon to level up)

  • Pick 1-3 of each category that you know will help you level up next season, and devote time to each of these tasks.

5. Have FUN.  

  • Enlist friends to workout with you

  • Slow down, take pictures on rides, hit up favorite bakeries, “do it for the gram”

  • Use your workouts as a way to deepen relationships with others and with yourself.

  • Don’t forget about self-care/recovery!

Put it all together into your best off-season training plan

  1. Grab a calendar and a pen for Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan.

  2. Fill in all your fun workouts and adventure weekends first. It’s important to have fun and adventure, it fills your mental refreshment and excitement quota. Fill up with fun now, so that when winter arrives you won’t mind some of the tough training days ahead. 

  3. Fill in and commit to your recovery days.  You will need to take at minimum 1 day off per week.

  4. Fill in your days where you will work on your limiters (2-3)

  5. Fill in your days where you will work on strengths (1-2 max per week)

  6. Print out your calendars and place them where you will see them every day!

If you need help with the “what” to do, workouts to address limiters and strengths, then consider hiring a coach to help offer plans, guidance, accountability and support during this time! 

I have an off-season plans available... Want to talk more?

Email me here - I read every single message and reply quickly!

Or sign up for a FREE 30 minute strategy session with me here.

Enjoy the off-season!
Xo, Marissa