We have 3 steps to our coaching framework - the Badass Cyclist Framework:
The first of my 3 step approach…
We address strength which often decreases at this stage of our lives, but it is essential to feeling strong, confident and independent, aka a great cyclist.
To overcome this you will be using a combination of 3 different exercise techniques designed to increase lean muscle to regain strength.
Strength training also helps increase bone density and burns stored body fat.
Next we address the Nutritional strategy…
Because we need 2 things, the right food to fuel our body and also the right food to support muscle growth.
This will begin a shift in body composition, toward increasing muscle mass and a decreasing visceral fat especially around the abdomen However this is not a weight loss specific program, in fact you might initially gain weight by gaining muscle mass, also gaining more energy and better sleep.
The third part of the program…
Is all about making sure you are rested and are taking care of yourself. It’s really important that you manage stress, sleep and schedule recovery for peak performance.
Hell YES! I always say that the more time-crunched you are, the more you need a coach to light the way. Because when you’re busy as hell, you need me to strip away all the fluff and get you on the fast track to stronger and faster riding. This is exactly why we work together to create a system for success meant to fit YOUR life, not the other way around.
I've helped so many women work around injuries and still achieve results, you and I will work to find the best solution.
We believe riding bikes should be fun. Otherwise, why do it?
I encourage you to ride social/group rides on a day that works for you (usually on Friday or Saturdays), for fun and for the push they give you. The length and style will change over time depending on your goals.
I love that you have events on the calendar and am happy to write that fun event into the program for you!!
We will set benchmarks at the beginning and end of the 12 weeks so you can measure your progress.
We benchmark according to the method you're using to record the benchmark in order to customize your program to you.
So if you're using only heart rate to train, you'll do the lactate threshold heart rate test-- it's simply warm up, 20 minutes, hard as you can go and take the average bpm, simple but not easy!
If you're on peloton, zwift, or any other indoor or virtual platform, you're using their proprietary algorithms and so I suggest a few options for either. What matters most is you go all in, and use the same test each time you take it (so to compare apples to apples).
If outside using a power meter, we suggest the 2 x8 protocol.
I have a mixture of athletes I work with 1:1 that we cap about 10-15 and might have up to 10 in the Cycling Success System at any one time. We have two coaches focused on delivering top notch service.
Yes you can integrate these into your step by step training plan. But do remember that results happen when you stick to following the plan.
For my Outdoor purists: NO you don't have to ride inside!
Athletes use a bike computer with either a heart rate monitor and cadence meter OR a power meter to record your cycling workouts, and upload to training peaks. In our 1:1 coaching, we review data weekly and review notes as well. Strength workouts are tracked manually, input what you did and how it went into the training peaks workout.
All our plans are specifically created to meet the different needs of Peri-Post menopausal athletes (women over 40), so we focus on the right training at the right time, incorporating more recovery, and an eye to fueling because at this stage in life, everything has changed thanks to flatlining estrogen and progesterone hormone levels-- this means we need to make changes as well, so we can keep increasing muscle strength AND endurance so you can ride back to back days with more energy.
Regular training plans are created on "traditional training" methods, which are all backed on science but 94-100% of studies done on young men. Only about 6% of any sports science studies since 2016 have focused exclusively on women, so we're still fighting an uphill battle with coaching science catching up to traditional coaching methods.
We use the voxer app, which is a voice messaging app (like a walkie talkie) with me.
Omega 3 and Omega 6
Check to find 3rd party approved brands so you know what you’re buying is safe.
In the final week before your period OR when you really feel fatigued despite good sleep:
Take 5-7 grams (thats 2-3 servings) of BCAAs to fight brain fog and lack of mojo
250mg of magnesium
45mg zinc
80mg baby aspirin (i dont use this and seem fine)
1 gram of omega 3 fatty acids (flaxseed and fish oil are good)
In training - have some more carbs than usual (also aligns with the higher carbs in training and racing that we are witnessing right now)
Post training - 25-40g protein within 30 minutes to stop the breakdown of muscle (both cortisol and progesterone are catabolic)
We cover nutrition in 3 modules, we have plenty of suggestions to help you increase your protein intake, including grocery lists if you’d prefer that! Yes, there are macro targets, and supplement discussions too.
Look at the rep range, when you see 8-15, use a weight that feels moderate and use perfect form. If you get to the end of the set and it still felt moderate, then it’s time to add another 2-5 pounds next time. If you can’t complete the minimum number of reps, the weight is too heavy. Always practice perfect form.
When you see 4-6 rep range, that is a heavy lift, with perfect form. Use a weight that you can only do 4 or 5 MAYBE 6 reps but then you MUST set it down because it’s so heavy. If you get to 6 and it feels heavy but do-able, it’s time to go up 2-5 pounds and start back at 4 reps.
Yes, there are video instructions on how to do the moves. You will want the ability to start lifting with your dumbbells and then I encourage you to lift heavier weights to really start to add strength.
Absolutely, as long as they adhere to the lift heavy shit protocol! And I advocate for yoga during recovery!